

来源: | 发布日期:3个月前 | 浏览次数:









  1. **通行效率显著提升**:双向人脸识别闸机系统的引入,使得进出园区的人员无需再排队等待人工验证,大大提高了通行效率。据统计,相比之前的人工门禁管理方式,通行时间缩短了近50%。

  2. **安全性得到加强**:系统采用先进的人脸识别技术,能够准确识别进出人员的身份,有效防止了非法闯入等安全隐患。同时,系统还具备黑名单功能,对于被列入黑名单的人员,系统将自动拒绝其进入园区。

  3. **疫情防控得力**:在疫情期间,系统发挥了重要作用。通过无接触式快速通行,有效减少了人员之间的接触,降低了疫情传播的风险。此外,系统还能够实时记录进出人员的体温数据,为疫情防控提供了有力支持。

  4. **管理成本降低**:由于采用了租赁方式,企业无需承担一次性购买设备的巨额费用,而是将资金用于更核心的业务发展上。同时,我们还提供了专业的后期维护服务,确保了系统的稳定运行,进一步降低了企业的管理成本。






  **English Version**

  **Successful Case of Two-way Face Recognition Gate Rental in Foshan, Guangdong**

  In the era of rapid development of intelligence and informatization, a well-known technology enterprise park in Foshan, Guangdong, decided to introduce an advanced two-way face recognition gate system to enhance management efficiency and security. However, considering the balance between capital flow and long-term investment, the enterprise chose the rental method instead of a one-time purchase. After comparing multiple options, they finally chose to cooperate with us, Yuantong Leasing, and witnessed the significant changes brought by the two-way face recognition gate system in a short period of time.

  The enterprise park has a vast area and a large number of daily visitors, including employees, guests, and partners. The traditional manual access management method was not only inefficient but also had potential security risks. Especially during the pandemic, how to effectively prevent the spread of the virus and ensure the health and safety of personnel within the park became an urgent problem for the management. Therefore, the introduction of a two-way face recognition gate system to achieve contactless rapid passage became the best choice.

  In response to the enterprises needs, Yuantong Leasing quickly provided a professional solution. We customized a two-way face recognition gate system rental plan for the park, including equipment selection, installation and debugging, and later maintenance services. To ensure the smooth operation of the system, we also provided detailed operation training for the enterprise to ensure that the management personnel could master the use of the system.

  During the equipment installation process, our technicians overcame the complex environmental conditions within the park to ensure that each gate could accurately identify incoming and outgoing personnel. At the same time, we closely cooperated with the park


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